#include "ftpro.h"
#include "cs_strtok.h"

void RemoteList::OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent &event)
  MyPopupMenu menu("Remote");
  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_NEW_DIR_RC, "New Directory", "" );
  menu.Append( ID_REMOVE_DIR_RC, "Remove", "" );
  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_GET_RC, "Get", "" );
  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_PWD_RC, "PWD", "" );
  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_REFRESH_RC, "Refresh","");
  //  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_OWNER_RC, "Owner");
  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_LIST_RC, "List","");
  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_RO_RC, "Open in Editor", "" );
  menu.Append( ID_REMOTE_PO_RC, "Open In Programmers Editor", "" );


void HarborDialog::OnRemoteNewDir()
  wxString dir = wxGetTextFromUser("What do you want to call the new directory ?","New directory");
  if (dir == "")
  if (!(GetFTP().Mkdir(dir.c_str())))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this,"Could not make directory, do you have correct permissions?","Error: Could not make directory!" , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteGetMany()
  int sel_type;
  wxString file;
  long item = -1;
  long size = 0;
    for ( ;; )
      item = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetNextItem(item,
        if ( item == -1 )
        sel_type = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemData(item);
        //        if (sel_type != 0)
        if (1)
            wxProgressDialog PD("Downloading...Please wait","Downloading");
            file = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemText(item);
            if (!(GetFTP().Size(file.c_str(),size)))
                wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not Get Size!", "Error: File download", wxOK |wxICON_ERROR);
            if (!(GetFTP().GetFile(file.c_str(), file.c_str(), size, PD)))
                wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not download file!"," ",wxOK);

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteRemove()
  int sel, sel_type;
  wxString file;
long size;

  string owner;

  sel = GetSelected(HarborDialog::remote_list);
  sel_type = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemData(sel);
  file = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemText(sel);

  if (sel_type == 0)
      if (!(GetFTP().Rmdir(file.c_str())))
          wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not remove directory, do you have permissions ?" ,"Error: Could not remove directory",wxOK);
      if (!(GetFTP().Rm(file.c_str())))
          wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Error Could not remove" ,"Error: Could not remove file",wxOK);


void HarborDialog::GetRemoteFiles()
  string listing, temp;
  vector<wxString> dir_v;
  vector<wxString> file_v[3];
  vector<wxString> size_v;
  wxString name, Types;
  int index = 0, k = 0,entries = 0, pause = 0, icon_type = 10, c = 0;

  if (!(GetFTP().Ls(listing)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not get files, aborting...","Error: Couldnt List", wxOK);

  if (listing.length() <= 0)
      // if its empty, we erase everything and then bail out

  stringTok one(&listing, "\n");

  while (one.HasMoreTokens())

      temp = one.NextToken();
      stringTok two(&temp, " ");
      if (temp[0] == 'd')
          while (two.HasMoreTokens())
              name = (two.NextToken()).c_str();
              if (name[name.Length() - 1] == '\r')
                name[name.Length() -1 ] = '\0';
              //            dir_array[i++] = name;
      else if (temp[0] == '-')

          while (two.HasMoreTokens())
              name = (two.NextToken()).c_str();
              if (name[name.Length() - 1] == '\r')
                name[name.Length() -1 ] = '\0';                                
              if (c == 3 || c == 5 || c == 9)

          c = 0;
          k = 0;
      else if (temp[0] == '2')


   for (int j = 0;j < dir_v.size();j++)

      HarborDialog::remote_list->InsertItem(index, dir_v[j],0);
  for (k = 0;k < file_v[2].size();k++)
      if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("txt"))
          Types = "Text";
          icon_type = 1;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("doc"))
          Types = "doc";
          icon_type = 2;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("exe"))
          Types = "exe";
          icon_type = 3;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("mp3") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("wav"))
          Types = "music";
          icon_type = 4;
      else if ((file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("mpeg")) || (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("avi")) ||
               (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("asf")) ||  (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("ra")) ||
               (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("mpg")) ||  (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("mov")))
          Types = "movie";
          icon_type = 5;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("gif") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("jpg") ||
               (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("jpeg")) || (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("bmp")))
          Types = "picture";
          icon_type = 6;
      else if (file_v[2][k].CmpNoCase("readme") == 0)
          Types = "Readme";
          icon_type = 7;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("bat") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("sys") ||
               file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("dll") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("la"))
          Types = "System File";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("zip") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("rpm"))
          Types = "zip";
          icon_type = 8;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("tgz") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("gz") ||
          Types = "tgz";
          icon_type = 9;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').Contains("cpp") || (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').Contains("hpp")))
          Types = "C++";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs('c') || (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs('h')))
          Types = "C";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs('o'))
          Types = "Object File";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("pl") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("cgi") ||
          Types = "Perl";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').Contains("html"))
          Types = "HTML";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("py"))
          Types = "Python!";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').Contains("php"))
          Types = "PHP";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].Contains("Makefile"))
          Types = "Makefile";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("rc"))
          Types = "Windows Resource";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("el"))
          Types = "Elisp";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("cl"))
          Types = "Common Lisp";
          icon_type = 10;

      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("java") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("class"))
          Types = "Java";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("rb"))
          Types = "Ruby";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("m3"))
          Types = "Modula3";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("ss") || file_v[2][k].AfterLast('.').IsSameAs("scm"))
          Types = "Scheme";
          icon_type = 10;
      else if (file_v[2][k][file_v[2][k].Length() - 1] == '~')
          Types = "Emacs autosave";
          icon_type = 10;
          Types = "Unkown";
          icon_type = 2;
      //      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, " "," ",wxOK);

      // these are needed because for super huge files, it just crashes, with caught signal SIGTRAP ?
//       if (k % 200)
//         Sleep(20);
      HarborDialog::remote_list->InsertItem(index, file_v[2][k],icon_type);


void HarborDialog::OnRemotePWDRC()
  string pwd;
      pwd = GetFTP().Pwd();
  catch (FTP::InvalidCommand)
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Unable to complete request","Error: ",wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
  wxMessageDialog dialog(this, pwd.c_str(),"PWD",wxOK);


void HarborDialog::OnRemoteStatus()
  int sel, sel_type;
  wxString file;
  long size;

  string owner;

  sel = GetSelected(HarborDialog::remote_list);
  sel_type = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemData(sel);
  file = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemText(sel);  

  if (!(GetFTP().Owner(file.c_str(), owner)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Couldnt complete request!","Error: Owner",wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
  wxMessageDialog dialog(this, owner.c_str(),"Owner" ,wxOK);


void HarborDialog::OnRemoteCdup( wxCommandEvent &event )

    if (!(GetFTP().Cdup()))
        wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not change directories...aborting", "Error: Directory", wxOK);



    wxString pwd = GetRemoteDir().BeforeLast('/');
    wxString ppwd = GetPreviousRemoteDir().BeforeLast('/');


void HarborDialog::OnRemoteHome( wxCommandEvent &event )
  if (!(GetFTP().Cd("/")))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, " "," ",wxOK);



void HarborDialog::OnRemotePWD( wxCommandEvent &event )

  if (!(GetFTP().Cd(remote_pwd_cb->GetStringSelection().c_str())))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Cant change to that directory,...aborting",remote_pwd_cb->GetValue(),wxOK);

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteBeginDrag( wxListEvent &event )

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteRightClicked( wxListEvent &event )

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteActivated( wxListEvent &event )
  int sel, sel_type;
  wxString file;
  wxString cwd;
  long size;

  cwd= wxGetCwd() + "\\";

  sel = GetSelected(HarborDialog::remote_list);
  sel_type = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemData(sel);
  file = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemText(sel);

  switch (sel_type)
    case 0:

        if (!(GetFTP().Cd(file.c_str())))
            wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Couldn't change to " + file + ".  Do you have correct permissions?","Error: Couldnt change directories",wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);


        //set the previous to current, and then the current
        SetRemoteDir(GetPreviousRemoteDir() + "/" + file.c_str());


        wxProgressDialog PD("Downloading...Please wait", "Downloading");

          if (!(GetFTP().Size(file.c_str(),size)))
            wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not Get Size!", "Error: File download", wxOK |wxICON_ERROR);
        if (!(GetFTP().GetFile(file.c_str(), file.c_str(), size, PD)))
            wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not download file!", "Error: File download", wxOK |wxICON_ERROR);


void HarborDialog::UpdateRemotePWD()


void HarborDialog::OnRemoteRegularOpen()

int sel, sel_type;
  wxString file;
  wxString cwd;
  long size;

  sel = GetSelected(HarborDialog::remote_list);
  sel_type = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemData(sel);
  file = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemText(sel);

  wxProgressDialog PD("Downloading...Please wait", "Downloading");
  if (!(GetFTP().Size(file.c_str(),size)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not Get Size!", "Error: File download", wxOK |wxICON_ERROR);
  if (!(GetFTP().GetFile(file.c_str(), file.c_str(), size, PD)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not download file!", "Error: File download", wxOK |wxICON_ERROR);

  wxString temp = GetRegularEditor() + " \"" + wxGetCwd() + "\\" +  file + "\"";
  if (!(wxExecute(temp)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not open Programming Editor, aborting...", GetProgrammingEditor(), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);

  wxMessageDialog upload(this, "Click yes when you are done editing to save and upload\nNo to cancel","Save and upload",wxYES_NO | wxICON_INFORMATION);
  if (upload.ShowModal() == wxID_YES)
      wxProgressDialog PU("Uploading...Please wait","Uploading");
      if (!(GetFTP().PutFile(file.c_str(), PU)))
          wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Error in uploading, do you have the right permissions ?","Error in uploadin",wxOK);
  if (!(wxRemoveFile(file.c_str())))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not delete file, is your editor still open ?","Error: Deleting file",wxOK);

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteProgrammersOpen()
int sel, sel_type;
  wxString file;
  wxString cwd;
  long size;

  sel = GetSelected(HarborDialog::remote_list);
  sel_type = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemData(sel);
  file = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemText(sel);

  wxProgressDialog PD("Downloading...Please wait", "Downloading");
  if (!(GetFTP().Size(file.c_str(),size)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not Get Size!", "Error: File download", wxOK |wxICON_ERROR);
  if (!(GetFTP().GetFile(file.c_str(), file.c_str() , size, PD)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not download file!", "Error: File download", wxOK |wxICON_ERROR);

  wxString temp = GetProgrammingEditor() + " \"" + wxGetCwd() + "\\" + file + "\"";
  if (!(wxExecute(temp)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Could not open Programming Editor, aborting...", GetProgrammingEditor(), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);

  wxMessageDialog upload(this, "Click yes when you are done editing to save and upload\nNo to cancel","Save and upload",wxYES_NO | wxICON_INFORMATION);
  if (upload.ShowModal() == wxID_YES)
      wxProgressDialog PU("Uploading...Please wait","Uploading");
      if (!(GetFTP().PutFile(file.c_str(), PU)))
          wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Error in uploading, do you have the right permissions ?","Error in uploadin",wxOK);
      if (!(wxRemoveFile(file)))
          wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Please close the editor so that we may remove the file","Error",wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteList()
  string listing;
  if (!(GetFTP().Ls(listing)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, " "," ",wxOK);
  wxMessageDialog dialog(this, listing.c_str(),"Listing" ,wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteRefresh()

void HarborDialog::OnRemoteOwner()
  int sel, sel_type;
  wxString file;
  string owner;
  sel = GetSelected(HarborDialog::remote_list);
  file = HarborDialog::remote_list->GetItemText(sel);

  if (!(GetFTP().Owner(file.c_str(), owner)))
      wxMessageDialog dialog(this, "Error in getting owner!","Error: Getting info",wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
  wxMessageDialog dialog(this, owner.c_str(),"Owner info",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);